Plastic in Sweden celebrates 100 years!

The first Swedish plastic was produced 1917 in Perstorp. To put the spotlight on the exciting development, future visions and current challenges, Plastens Hus is arranging a seminar on December 6 in Perstorp, Sweden.

The first Swedish plastic was called isolit, and was produced at Perstorp by the scientist Jnanendra Das Gupta. Since then, plastic has become one of our most well used materials, and different kinds of plastic makes our everyday life easier in almost all areas.

In Perstorp village, there is a museum called Plastens Hus (“The House of Plastics”) that showcase products from our plastic production over the years, as well as the industrial development in the area. To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Swedish plastic, they are arranging a seminar together with Perstorp Group and the Swedish industry organization IKEM. The seminar will take place on December 6 in Perstorp, Sweden and one of the speakers are our Linda Zellner, Director Innovation for Materials and Feed & Food. The full program for the day can be seen here (in Swedish) >>

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Plasten 100 years

Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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Lovisa Hermansson

Corporate Communications Manager

+46 40 691 87 43

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